Lewis Howes, the author of School of Greatness, penned that quote. I used that as my title for this week's blog post because I feel that sometimes we forget to keep an attitude of gratitude. As a college student learning the ropes of how to be an adult, I sometimes forget to take a step back and be grateful for everything that comes to my life. Even more so, I feel that many college students are in the same shoes as me. With trying to balance school, work, and a social life, we end up feeling consumed in it that it almost feels like we're drowning. Sometimes, the best thing anyone can do is to take a step back and be reminded of all the great things that has come into their life, whether big or small. It could be someone complimenting you on something you've done or passing a test, but either way, once we start to develop an attitude of gratitude, then the rest follows. That is why, for Spring Break, I am developing my attitude of gratitude. I am starting and ending each...