There are some things the human eye simply cannot see. This week for Marine Biology, our class got to utilize two different microscopes. The professor collected some marine species to observe; some animals and planktons. It was great because all groups got to see certain mutations their bodies adapted in order to survive within their respective environment. We got to take turns to observe corals, sea spiders, snails, clams, and seaweed. It all looked a bit out of this world as if I borrowed glasses from someone who was almost blind. The sea spider creeped me out the most due to its multiple legs.
I think that the most important part of the lab was seeing the plankton roaming around the water. To think that a colossal amount of animals rely on this tiny species to survive boggles my mind up to now. After all, it is what feeds almost the whole food chain, one way or another. So in that case, hurray for the tiny things that swim around in our oceans! You guys rock!
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